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Sharon Woods Civic Association Membership

     A Civic Association is only one cog, however a very important cog, in the machinery that helps maintain an excellent neighborhood in a heavily populated area where many individuals and groups of individuals are striving to do their own thing. That is why a few of our neighbors meet eleven times each year to review what is happening in our neighborhood. We review changes and submit input to the City on changes in City government; new developments and proposed changes to existing ones; changes in traffic patterns; police, fire, and emergency protection; and sanitation and recreational changes. The Sharon Woods Civic Association sponsors community events which benefit our neighborhood such as a Halloween Party, Santa Visits and an Easter Egg Hunt for children, Beautification/Landscape Awards, Garage Sale, Christmas Lighting Contest Awards and Christmas Luminaria. We also participate in the Northland 4th of July Parade along Karl Road, and Community Planting projects on the Sharon Woods Blvd. Islands, The Sharon Woods Civic Association also represents our community at the Northland Community Council and Development Committee meetings.

      Let’s look at the concern for our neighborhood another way. If we fail to take an active part in shaping our neighborhood, someone else will, and their “likes” and “dislikes” may not be to our liking. Each of us has a considerable monetary investment in property or business that we own in this neighborhood, and we the citizens in this neighborhood are the only ones that have a real and personal interest in protecting that investment.

      If you believe that it is important to maintain our neighborhood as an excellent place to live and raise a family, you can help by:
  1. Becoming a supporting member of the Sharon Woods Civic Association. It’s Membership Drive time again! The Sharon Woods Civic Association family membership fee is again only $12.00 per household or $10.00 for seniors (60 and over). This fee will not change if we receive enough support to maintain our current activity levels.
  2. Attending Sharon Woods Civic Association Meetings and voicing your concerns. Please plan on attending one of our regular meetings that are held on the first Thursday of each month except August at the Sharon Woods Baptist Church at 7:00 p.m.
  3. Volunteering whenever you can, to do whatever you can to assist active members of the Sharon Woods Civic Association.

      We will be sponsoring Holiday luminaries again this year. Please help us by sending your order with your membership dues and the candles will be distributed in early December. Fill out this Form print it and send it with your membership check to the address on the form.

Since 06/17/07