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A Bi-Monthly Publication of The
Sharon Woods Civic Association
May/June 2009 Issue

President's Report John Kirkpatrick
      It's that time of year again! Please take a few minutes and fill out the attached membership application and return it with your check in the enclosed envelope. A household membership is only $12.00 per year ($10.00 for seniors) and your dues pay for association programs and the Gatepost. Our civic association can only survive if Sharon Woods residents like you become members. In addition, a neighborhood without a civic association has no voice with local government.
      The city has come up with a solution for picking up your yard waste. For $49.50, Rumpke will come by once a week and pick up as many as 15 bags of yard waste per week, for a 6-month period. Bundles of branches and shrubs will also be picked up just like before. Those bundles can be no longer than 4 feet in length and 2 feet around, and must be tied with string. To sign up for this service, go on line to www.rumpkerecycling.com/residential/municipalities/columbus.aspx or call 1-888-786- 7531. If you don't require this much service, consider coopting with a couple of neighbors with one central pickup point between you and share the cost. If you do not want to subscribe to the city service, t here are also local waste haulers such as Dan Hughes who has advertised in this issue who will pick up your yard waste at reasonable rates. Finally, you can take your own yard waste to the local drop off points at Com-Til, at 7000 Jackson Pike; Kurtz Bros, at 2850 Rohr Road, Groveport, 6055-C Westerville Road or 6279 Houchard Road; and Ohio Mulch at 4120 Roberts Road, 4665 Westerville Road, 1600 Universal Road, 7320 Industrial Parkway, 7765 Refugee Road, or 537 Reynoldsburg-New Albany Road. Some of these collection sites may charge a drop-off fee.
      Our next big event will be the Community Garage Sale on May 30. More information about this event is in this month's Gatepost. Once again, we would like to ask civic association members to donate one item for the Civic Association Garage Sale to help raise money for Civic Association projects.
      Have a wonderful spring and consider coming to one of our meetings on the 1st Thursday of each month.

Sharon Woods Grass Cutter Needed
      For many seasons we have been fortunate to have "Green Garden's," a local business, keep our grass cut at the Schrock Road entrance. They were good neighbors and provided this service without charge and we are extremely grateful. Unfortunately, they are no longer in business and unable to offer this service, so we are sending out a call for help. If you or anyone you know has a riding lawn mower please let us know. We will contact them and ask for their assistance in cutting the grass to keep Sharon Woods beautiful. If you know of someone who can help, contact Civic Association President John Kirkpatrick at 890-5417

Sharon Woods Civic Association Meeting Dates
     Future meeting dates will be May 7, June 4, and July 2, 2009. The meeting location for the Sharon Woods Civic Association is the Church of the Good Shepherd United Methodist, 6176 Sharon Woods Boulevard (corner of Beechcroft Road and Sharon Woods Blvd.). Meetings start at 7:00 P.M.

Community Garage Sale Saturday, May 30, 2009
     Chairpersons for the annual garage sale have designated Saturday, May 30, 2009, as the date for this year's sale event. The Sharon Woods Civic Association will provide advertising in local newspapers and will post signs at both ends of Sharon Woods Boulevard. Sales begin at 9:00 A.M. and will last until residents close their garages.
     For a minimal fee of $5.00 to defer the cost of flyers and advertising, participating residents will be featured on a flyer which will be distributed to all sale locations. Please send your $5.00 donation to: Sharon Woods Civic Association, P.O. Box 297974, Columbus, Ohio 43229. Flyers will also be available at the Sharon Woods Civic Association Community fund-raising Sale at 6363 Sharon Woods Boulevard. On the reverse side of the flyer will be a map of the neighborhood, so that visiting shoppers can easily find your home. In addition, the Civic Association will provide a brightly colored balloon for you to display. The $5.00 donation should be mailed no later than Tuesday, May 19, so that we can complete and distribute maps before the sale. Please make checks payable to the "Sharon Woods Civic Association." If you have any questions, feel free to call the sale coordinator, John Kirkpatrick, at 890-5417.

Fund-raising Garage Sale, Saturday, May 30, 2009
     In conjunction with the community garage sale this year, the Civic Association will be hosting a fund-raising sale to help pay for community projects. The fund-raising sale will be held at 6363 Sharon Woods Boulevard from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. For this sale, the association is asking residents to donate one item to be sold. All proceeds will go into the association treasury and returned to the community through annually sponsored program and events.
      Please drop off your donated item(s) at 6363 Sharon Woods Boulevard on either Thursday, May 28, 2009,or Friday, May 29, 2009 between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. We ask that your donation(s) be clean and in good working order. Any items not sold on May 30 will be donated to local charities. We also need volunteers to help with the sale. If you are interested, please contact John Kirkpatrick at 890-5417. It should be another wonderful sale. Thank you for your giving spirit.

Easter Egg Hunt
     The Sharon Woods Civic Association and Beechcroft Lion's Club Community Easter Egg Hunt and breakfast was held on April 11 at the Church of the Good Shepherd United Methodist. We had approximately 100 children from ages 0 to 9 who participated in this year's event. The weather was sunny, but cold; however, all attending had a good time. The proceeds from the breakfast and bake sale were donated to the Ohio State School for the Blind's marching band to help pay for their trip to participate in the Rose Parade and Rose Bowl in 2010
      We would like to thank McDonald's at 2091 E. Dublin Granville Road and Dairy Queen at 1519 Schrock Road for donating prizes and gift certificates for this year's event. Please support these local merchants and remember to tell them "Thank You" for contributing to our community event.

Gardens at Sharon Woods and the Yard of the Month Contest
     Spring brings out daffodils, cherry blossoms, rabbits, and good Sharon Woods volunteers. On the first warm work day in spring, Cal McCall, Char Schneider, Janet Brewer, Nancy Meyer, and Pam Nichols joined Civic Association president, John Kirkpatrick, with rakes, clippers and knives to attack the debris and clean up our islands on Sharon Woods and 161. In less than two hours the area was free of last year's grasses, weeds, and cigarette butts. The other end of Sharon Woods Boulevard at Schrock got some attention too. A big thanks goes to Rhonda Welker, who helped John Kirkpatrick move our shrubs and tidied up the iris and daylilies at the Schrock Road Entrance. When it warms up, colorful annuals will be added and provide a bright spot for summer. If you have some extra time, the Sharon Woods Civic Association is looking for one or two volunteers to walk the islands once or twice a month and pick up litter. Your work would be very appreciated. Please contact Cal McCall at 614- 895-2572 if you are able to volunteer.
      Speaking of summer, the first Yard of the Month contest will be held in June. It is time to slather on the sun screen, drag out the trowels, pruners, and seeds to create your own little world of beauty. Take the opportunity to try something new - maybe some herbs or ornamental grasses. There are fine gardeners in Sharon Woods and each month we are proud to honor their work. During each of the months of June, July, August, and September, a new gardener will display a Yard of The Month sign. Please watch for more information in the next couple of Gateposts.

Calling all gardeners!
     It's official! The Good Seed Community Garden at the Church of the Good Shepherd United Methodist will be breaking ground in late April. The local Boy Scout troop is working with the church to create a sign and plant flowers. A group of freshmen at Beechcroft High School is eager to get their hands dirty. Now we want your help. If you're interested in planning, fund raising, or planting a garden plot of your very own, please contact Christi Mallasch at 614-571-4087.

National Night Out
      Mark Your Calendar. National Night Out will be held Tuesday, Aug. 4, 2009. In addition to the Beechcroft Lions Club we will have home security systems companies there and a fire protection company to review fire safety. The fire safety company will also be able to check or replace personal fire extinguishers. If we have residents of Sharon Woods who have concerns or ideas for a Safety/Security program or who can present a program on home or personal safety please let Pat Wood know. She can be reached at patwood4@mac.com or call her cell phone 406-4829 or home phone 890-0930. Please watch for more information in the next gatepost.

Independence Day Parade
      The Northland Community Council Independence Day Parade will be held this year on July 4, 2009. The Sharon Woods Civic Association and Beechcroft Lion's Club will be participating again this year and will be distributing small American Flags and/or candy if we can get a chairperson and enough volunteers to help with the project. Contact Civic Association President John Kirkpatrick, at 890-5417.

Spring Projects - Call 811 First
      Spring is a perfect time to spruce up your yard! However, before you pick up that shovel or posthole digger, please remember to call 811. By calling 811, you will be routed to the underground locating service which will notify the appropriate utilities in your area. The depth of utility lines varies and there may be multiple utility lines in a common area. Even small projects like planting trees and shrubs can disrupt service to an entire neighborhood, harm you or those around you, and can result in fines and repair costs. Call 811 before every digging job to have your underground utility lines marked. The call is simple and free.

Take a Walk in Sharon Woods
      Spring in Sharon Woods is just beautiful! Many people will be pushing a child or grandchild in a stroller or taking their dogs for walks. Enjoy the cool evening breeze. Accept a friendly nod from a hiking neighbor. Please be considerate of your neighbors who are enjoying the outdoors and try to avoid parking your car so that it blocks the sidewalk. Walkers must go down the driveway apron and maybe even into the street or up across the front lawn. The driver is also subject to receipt of a parking ticket. Anyway, a walk in the Sharon Woods neighborhood is still great!

Decorative Street Lights/Karl Road Improvement
      Later this year or possibly in 2010, the Department of Transportation will start rebuilding Karl Road from 161 to Schrock Road. Street Lights will be installed on Karl Road at the same time. There have been many discussions about having a petition assessment drive to get the decorative street lights. The Department of Transportation has informed the Sharon Woods Civic Association that they cannot install decorative street lights on Karl Road because it is classed as a Collector Street and lighting must conform to certain height standards for this type of street. Normally wood poles with overhead wires would be installed; however, it was agreed to upgrade these lights to aluminum pole cobra lights with underground wires. These lights are taller than the decorative ones, but shorter than standard cobra lights. If you wish to speak directly with the City of Columbus in regard to this issue, please call 311 and request to be transferred to the Power & Water division. We hope to start Phase 2 of the Sharon Woods Decorative Street Lights in the year 2010 if the economy improves. More information will be on our new web page once it is completed. Thank you again to the property owners that signed the petition for decorative lighting on Sharon Woods Boulevard and Beechcroft Road.

Columbus Fire Begins Hydrant Flushing April 29TH
      The Sharon Woods Fire Station will begin their annual program to flush the city's 24,000 fire hydrants on April 29, 2009. Sharon Woods area hydrants will be flushed between June 11 and July 22, 2009. A voice mail is available at 645-4055 to obtain daily updates listing specific Columbus neighborhoods to be flushed on each day. The Hot Line will be updated at 9:00 a.m. each day throughout the hydrant maintenance program. Hydrant flushing will be performed seven days a week, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The Fire Department has advised that water could become cloudy or rusty during the flushing process, particularly in older neighborhoods. This condition is not a health hazard, and should clear up within 24 hours. However, residents in flushing areas should check their water before doing laundry because discolored water could stain laundered clothing. If the rust persists, residents should call the water department hot line, 645-4055. If a water leak is noticed after 5:00 p.m. on a day when flushing has been done in your area, call the fire department non-emergency number at 221-3132, ext. 4406. If any other problems are noticed as the result of this hydrant flushing, call the City of Columbus using the 311 problem reporting line.

Have you seen us around? The Columbus Beechcroft Lions?
      Chartered on November 10, 1982, the Columbus Beechcroft Lions serve the Northeast Columbus area. Our volunteer service activities and fund-raising efforts are dedicated to supporting local, state, national, and international efforts on behalf of the sight impaired, elderly, and disabled. We provide support to the Sharon Woods Civic Association, sponsor and support the Ohio State School for the Blind, and provide scholarships for college students in the Beechcroft and DeSales service area. We enjoy fun and family activities such as bowling, tailgating at Crew games, golfing, and cookouts. Our club consists of men, women and second generation Lions. Members range in age from their 20s,to their 80s.
      We meet at Bruno's, 1774 E. Dublin-Granville Road, on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 6:30 p.m. Join us! Call Lion Roger Heckel, a Sharon Woods resident, at 614-882-6245 for details.

Future Beechcroft Lion's Club Events
      May 01      Award (2) $ 500 scholarships to St. Francis DeSales HS seniors
      May 12       Assist SWCA with gatepost deliveries
      May 16       Participate in 161 Clean up Project
      May 30       Participate in SWCA Annual Garage Sale
      June 16       Installation and Golf Outing
      July 04       Pass out flags with SWCA July 4th Northland Parade
      July 18       Beechcroft Lions Tailgate at Crew Game

Special Sharon Woods Events scheduled for 2009
      May 30, 2009 - Community Wide Garage Sale and Civic Association Sale.
      June, July, August and September - Yard of the Month landscaping contest.
      July 4, 2009 - Independence Day Parade.
      August 4, 2009 - National Night Out - Watch for more details in the next Gatepost Issue.
      December 3, 2009 - Annual Holiday Party and Election of Officers for 2010.
      December 14, 15, and 16, 2009 - Santa Visits in Sharon Woods.
      December 14-17, 2009 - Holiday Lighting Display and Judging.

Classified Ads
     We publish the Gatepost at the beginning of January, March, May, July, September, and November. As a community service, the Sharon Woods Civic Association accepts ads from local businesses, in the Sharon Woods and North Columbus area, on first come-first served basis for publication in the Gatepost. Due to increased costs associated with the publication of the Gatepost, classified ads for area businesses are available at the following rates:
     Full Page     $125.00     1/2 Page    $75.00
      1/4 Page       $40.00      Business Cards    $25.00
We feel that this is still a reasonable cost to reach the more than 1,800 residents in our community. Materials should be submitted as business cards or camera-ready copy for larger ads. Since the Gatepost is printed in black and white, camera-ready art is preferred for all size ads. Deadline dates for ads with camera ready artwork are:
     Jul/Aug 2009 Issue - June 5, 2009 Sep/Oct 2009 Issue - August 7, 2009
     Ad copy and remittance should be submitted to the Sharon Woods Civic Association no later than the above dates. No ads will be published unless payment has been received by the deadline. Payment and ad copy can be mailed to the Sharon Woods Civic Association, P.O.Box 297974, Columbus, Ohio, 43229, up to five days before to the deadline dates. For more details and/or alternate delivery methods, please contact Civic Association representatives, John Kirkpatrick at 890-5417 or John Osmond at 901-9174.

New Block Watch Captains
Pat Wood, Sharon Woods Block Watch Coordinator, is happy to announce the following new captains: Suzanne Kays, 2040 Atterbury, and Gary Lazarek, 1885 Solera Drive. Pat Wood would also like to give special thanks to Char Schneider for all of her help with the Block Watch program.

BlockWatch Captains Needed
     Concerned citizens are the best asset any police department has to help fight crime. The Community Liaison Officer (CLO) maintains lines of communication with the neighborhood BlockWatch group, supplying crime and suspect information, crime prevention tips and training on a variety of subjects. This is done through the Block Watch Coordinator and Captains. The CLO also works with the community to solve neighborhood problems. The system relies on the willingness of people like you to get involved, stay informed on area problems, and work together on solutions.
      BlockWatch Captains work with the Block Watch Coordinator to establish and maintain contact with assigned residents. They also receive calls from neighbors and relay information to Coordinator. They provide residents with information related to the Block Watch program (1-2 times per year). Each BlockWatch Captains spends approximately one hour per month on their duties.
     We have approximately 75 streets in Sharon Woods and we have 25 BlockWatch Captains, therefore we are asking you to consider being a BlockWatch Captain for your street. Even if we already have a BlockWatch Captain on the longer streets such as Skywae & Sharon Woods, we can divide the streets, so don't hesitate to get involved. If you are willing to become a BlockWatch Captain, please contact Pat Wood at or call her cell phone 406-4829 or home phone 890-0930.
     Thank you for considering in becoming a Block Watch Captain and don't forget to check
www.sharonwoodsblockwatch.com weekly for updates.

Your Civic Association Needs You - Chances to Help Better Your Community
     Our Sharon Woods Civic Association plays an important part in maintaining the quality of life you deserve for you and your family. Our association protects your property values by making sure that any rezoning requests for commercial or housing developments in our area are beneficial. We also sponsor annual events that benefit our community and provide speakers at our meetings on items of community interest. All membership fees that are collected by the association are returned to the community through civic projects.
      Volunteers are needed for the Welcoming Committee to work with other committee members by orienting new residents (usually one or two per week), giving them a packet of materials and answering questions - For more information, contact Anne Marie Shibler, at 794-9390.
      We also need an advertising chairperson and assistant editor for the Gatepost. Contact Civic Association President John Kirkpatrick at 890-5417 if you are interested.
     The association also needs a person to attend the Civic Association meetings and record actions taken. Contact Civic Association President John Kirkpatrick at 890-5417.
     Do you want to see some new or added events in our area? Volunteers are needed for new and different events. Contact Civic Association President John Kirkpatrick at 890-5417.
      Your Association is a volunteer organization. Please become Involved. If you have not already joined or renewed your membership, please return the membership form enclosed with this newsletter.

Code Enforcement
      Due to the city budget crisis and recent city layoffs, code enforcement and other city responses to problems may be delayed. If you have a problem or enforcement action that needs attention, please call the 311 hotline (645-3111) so that your request can be logged and a work order initiated. These will be prioritized and responded to as soon as possible.
Household Hazardous Waste
     The Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio (SWACO) has announced collection dates for household hazardous waste in the North Columbus area. SWACO will pick up hazardous waste:
      June 20, at the City of Columbus Morse Road Transfer Facility, 4260 Morse Road,
      September 5, at the Westerville City Service Department, 350 Park Meadow Road
      October 3, at Anthem Insurance, Worthington, 6740 N. High Street.
SWACO also maintains a permanent household hazardous waste collection location at 1249 Essex Avenue, (corner of E. 8th and Essex Avenue) where hours of collection are Wednesdays from 2pm-6pm, and Thursdays from 9am-4pm. (This location is closed on holidays.)
     Materials that SWACO will accept include lighter fluid, thinners, turpentine, adhesives, old gasoline, polishes, kerosene, old gasoline mixed with oil, propane (less than 20 lb. containers), used oil & vehicle batteries, paint, cyanides, pool chemicals, strong chemicals, acid & caustics, drain cleaners, paint strippers, bleach & household cleaners, fluorescent light bulbs, rat poison, insecticides, lawn chemicals & fertilizers, fire extinguishers, antifreeze, mercury, Ni-Cad/Lithium batteries, fats/oil and greases. Items will be accepted if delivered in a tightly sealed container. Items that SWACO will not accept are appliances, computers, asbestos, tires, ammunition, trash, needles, and medical waste.
     For your information: If you have latex paint you can dry it up! Latex paint is water soluble and can be converted to a nonhazardous material by drying it out. Paint hardeners are available in stores or you can mix the paint with cat litter or sawdust. Leave the lid off to speed up the process. When the paint is dry, throw it out with your regular trash.

Columbus Public Health Announces Rabies Vaccination Clinics for Dogs, Cats and Ferrets
      Rabies is a preventable and often fatal disease that can be transmitted through the bite of a rabid animal. Each year thousands of animals are found to be infected with rabies in the United States. Columbus Public Health will hold rabies vaccination clinics for dogs, cats, and ferrets. The law requires dogs, cats, and ferrets more than three months of age to have a current rabies vaccination in Franklin County. Vaccinations take place the second Friday of every month from 2:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. at the Columbus Public Health Department, 240 Parsons Avenue, in the Carriage House next to the main parking lot. The program is open to anyone and the vaccination cost is $10.00 per shot (cash only). Animals must be on a leash or in an animal carrier. Animals between three months and one year of age will receive a one year vaccination. Animals more than one year of age, with a certificate of current vaccination, will receive a three-year vaccination. For more information on rabies, visit www.cdc.gov or www.odh.state.oh.us.

Identity Theft
     Identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in the United States. Major businesses have reported the hijacking of sensitive internal customer files, which could be used to victimize millions of citizens throughout the country.
      Because of the ever-changing climate and the need to provide current information, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has created a web page dedicated strictly to identity theft issues. The FTC web page is www.consumer.gov/idtheft. This web page provides information on what steps to take in the event that your identity is stolen, your legal rights, how to handle problems, and what to look out for in the future.
      Sharon Woods Civic Association residents are encouraged to file a police report with the Columbus Police Department or the Police Department that has jurisdiction at the location where the crime occurred. If you are unable to file a report with the agency having jurisdiction contact your Columbus Police Department to file a report. Even though the Columbus Police Department may not be able to investigate the offense, a report will be on file documenting the identity theft. It is recommended you obtain a copy of the report and make multiple copies. For more information, contact the Columbus Division of Police Fraud & Forgery Unit at (614) 645-4750.

Sharon Woods Civic Association
Membership Application
July 2009 - June 2010

Name(s): ______________________________________
Address: ______________________________________
Phone: ______________________________________
E-Mail: ______________________________________
Household Membership @ $12.00 ___________
Senior Household Membership (age 60 and older) @ $10.00 ___________
Candles for Christmas Luminaria - Number________ @ three for $1.00 =___________
Extra Donation for Flags for July 4th Parade Distribution and other Community Projects___________
Garage Sale Participation Fee @ $5.00 ___________
Total Enclosed: $_____________
I would like to help with:
_____Easter Egg Hunt _____Membership Drive in May and June
_____Community/Fund Raising Garage Sale    _____4th of July Parade in Northland
_____Beautification projects in our area           _____Santa Visits
_____Christmas Lighting Contest                    _____Block Watch
_____National Night Out                                 _____Christmas Luminaria
_____Starting New Events                              _____Other Community Projects
_____Publication of our Gatepost Newsletter, 6 times a year

Other Comments/Suggestions:
Please return your membership form and dues in the enclosed envelope to the:
Sharon Woods Civic Association, P. O. Box 297974, Columbus, Ohio 43229

We hope that all neighborhood residents will become members of the Sharon Woods Civic Association and participate in our events. We appreciate your continued support. Sharon Woods Civic Association Membership Application July 2009 June 2010

Dear Neighbor:
      Would you please consider becoming a member of the Sharon Woods Civic Association? Our boundaries run from State Route 161 to Schrock Road and from Karl Road to Maple Canyon Avenue. We have approximately 1,800 homes in Sharon Woods and have a very strong association. Our association is also a part of the the larger Northland Community Council that is composed of more than 30 local associations. Income from our membership drive, extra donations, and fund raisers have allowed us to continue the many programs we offer to the community. You can be a part of this association. Some ways include: becoming a member, donating items to be sold at our fund-raising garage sale, giving some of your time by delivering membership drive materials, helping to clean up areas around our entrance signs, and delivering candles for luminaries. With the Northland News no longer being delivered in our neighborhood, we are one of the few sources of community news that you receive. Think it over; we can use your help.
      Some programs and events we have provided in the past are the annual Easter Egg Hunt, Lion's Pancake Breakfast, Community Garage Sale, the Northland Community Council July 4th Parade, Block Watch, and National Night Out, Santa Visits, and Christmas Lighting Contest, We also publish our Gatepost Newsletter six times a year, attend Northland Community Council and Development Meetings, conduct a Membership Drive in May, participate in beautification projects in our community, and work with decorative street lighting petitions and information.
      We hope you consider these programs and events worthwhile and become a member of the association for 2009/2010. Because we are a strong association and provide visibility to the City of Columbus, we were invited to Mayor Coleman's office last year to discuss our agenda and to share ideas on what kinds of help the city could provide us.
      I have one last comment. If you have an email address, please consider providing it to us with your membership information. We are working on establishing a new Sharon Woods web site and may start contacting members of upcoming events and important community issues, on a limited basis. We all receive too many junk emails, so we would promise to be selective in what we send to you.

      Thank you and have a great year.
      John Kirkpatrick, President, Sharon Woods Civic Association

Officers for 2009:
      John Kirkpatrick (President) - 6363 Sharon Woods Boulevard - (614) 890-5417
      John Osmond (Vice President) - 6083 Darby Lane - (614) 901-9174
      (Secretary) - Vacant
      Rhonda Welker (Treasurer) - 6334 Birkwood Street - (614) 865-0430
Trustees and/or committee chairpersons for 2009:
      John and Karen Benedetti (Trustees) - 6337 Birkewood Street - (614) 891-6622
      Cal McCall (Trustee) - 6680 Walbridge (895-2572)
      John and Nancy Meyer (Trustees) - 1770 Old Shay Court - (614) 882-1703
      Barb Shepard (Trustee) - 6380 Birkewood Street - (614) 890-4627
      Ann Marie Shibler (Trustee) - 1719 Peardale Road N - (614) 794-9390
      Char Schneider (Trustee) - 6450 Skywae Drive - (614) 882-6224
      Randy Sprouse (Trustee) - 6169 Harrington Court - (614) 523-1871
      Tom Wetterer (Trustee) - 6090 Sandgate Road - (614) 882-1714
      Virginia Wilson (Welcome Committee) - 6090 Sandgate Road - (614) 882-1714
      Pat Wood (Block Watch) - 1706 Parkgate Road - (614) 890-0930
      Doris Cooper (Webmaster) 1868 Meander Drive - (614) 890-4197
      John Osmond (Gatepost Editor) - 6083 Darby Lane - (614) 901-9174
